
The children of the fifth sun are the descendants of the Mexica, who were created by the gods from corn grains, after the fourth sun was destroyed by water. They are the ones chosen to save the world from destruction, when the fifth sun comes to an end. The children of the corn are the children of the earth, the grandchildren of the sun. They have a special connection with nature, and are able to communicate with animals and plants. They are the messengers of the gods, who have given them the mission to restore balance between opposites, and to create a new sun and a new humanity. The prophecy says that the fifth sun will end with a great earthquake, which will cause the sun to stand still and the world to become dark. Then, the children of the fifth sun will go to the depths beneath the pyramid of the sun, in Teotihuacán, where there is a huge tunnel that will take them to the center of the earth. There they will meet the gods, who will give them the power and wisdom to fulfill their destiny. The children of the corn will accompany them on their journey, and will help them overcome the obstacles and dangers that arise. They will be your guides and your protectors, and they will teach you the path of harmony and peace. They will be your friends and your brothers, and they will give you their love and support. The children of the fifth sun and the children of corn will reach the center of the earth, where there will be a great bonfire. There they will sacrifice themselves voluntarily, and throw themselves into the fire. Their blood and flesh will become the food of the new sun, which will be born from their ashes. His spirit and his light will become the essence of the new sun, which will illuminate the world with its brilliance. Thus the sixth sun will be born, which will be called Nahui Ollin, the sun of harmony. Their god will be Ometeotl, the god of duality, who is man and woman, light and darkness, life and death. His element will be air, and his color will be yellow. In this era, humans will be the descendants of the children of the fifth sun and the children of the corn, who will live in harmony with nature and the gods. They will be the guardians of balance, and the bringers of peace.

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 The legend of the children of the fifth sun and the prophecy of the children of the corn
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