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Sonnet IX - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
• Sonnet IV - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
• Sonnet III - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
• Sonnet II - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
• Sonnet I - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
• The legend of the paradox of Quetzalcoatl part III the secret of corn
• The legend of the paradox of Quetzalcóatl part II of how Tlaloc found corn and the gods
• Sonnet II - Quetzalcoatl creates man with corn and water. Sonnets.
• Sonnet III - 5 sonnets to the Feathered Serpent, the spine of the universe, in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, the center of the world.
• Sonnet to Ehecatl
• Cakes made in Chile
• Sonnet to Tenochtitlan, the city of the gods
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl Poem
• The legend of the paradox of Quetzalcóatl part I the meaning of corn and its paradox.
• The Lost Dining Room
• Sonnet I - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Do not fight with the cook
Sonnet X - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
X Tláloc continues to be the god of rain and lightning That he waters the fields and the crops Tláloc continues to be the god of thunder and lightning ...
Sonnet VIII - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
VIII Tláloc stays in his temple and does not come down To the valley of Mexico that is no longer yours Tláloc takes care of his kingdom and his house A...
Sonnet VII - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
VII Tláloc stops crying and the rain stops Tláloc retreats to his temple and locks himself in. Tláloc is filled with pain and sadness Tláloc is left ...
Sonnet VI - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
VI Tláloc hopes that he can save To the town of him and drive away the invaders But it‘s not like that, his plan fails And it only causes more pa...
Sonnet V - The legend of Tlaloc. Sonnets.
V Tláloc sees with sadness and fury How his people suffer and die How the Spanish destroy and desecrate His temples and his stone idols Tláloc canno...

more: • The legend of the paradox of Quetzalcóatl part I the meaning of corn and its paradox.
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent and the secret of the underworld. Part IV
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent and the secret of the underworld. Part III
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent and the secret of the underworld. Part II
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent and the secret of the underworld
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl discovered corn and taught it to man, but at the same time Quetzalcoatl made man with corn and water.
• The Paradox of Quetzalcoatl Poem
• Legend of how Quetzalcoatl discovered corn and brought it from other worlds
• Sonnet X - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet IX - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet VIII - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet VII - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet VI - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet V - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet IV - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet III - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet II - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• Sonnet I - Legend about the Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn, Sonnets.
• The prophecy of the end of the world The Aztec Armageddon and the prophecy of the children of the corn
• The children of Ometeotl and the prophecy of the corn children part III
• The children of Ometeotl and the prophecy of the corn children part II
• The children of Ometeotl and the prophecy of the children of the corn
• The legend of Ometeotl
• Sonnet V - Quetzalcoatl creates man with corn and water. Sonnets.
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Sonnet IV - 5 sonnets to the Feathered Serpent, the spine of the universe, in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, the center of the world.
IV Quetzalcoatl, the snake god that with your feathers you decorate the sky and with your body you cover the ground You are the center of everything that...
The legend of Quetzalcoatl
A long time ago, in ancient Mesoamerica, there lived a people called the Toltecs, who were famous for their wisdom and art. They worshiped several gods, but th...
Sonnet I - Quetzalcoatl creates man with corn and water. Sonnets.
Quetzalcoatl creates man with corn and water. Sonnets. I Quetzalcoatl, the snake god that with your feathers you decorate the sky and with your b...
Now Playing
Sonnet I - 5 sonnets to the Feathered Serpent, the spine of the universe, in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, the center of the world.
I Quetzalcoatl, god of the snake that with your feathers you decorate the sky and with your body you cover the ground You are the center of everything th...
Sonnet II - 5 sonnets to the Feathered Serpent, the spine of the universe, in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, the center of the world.
II In Teotihuacan, the sacred city where the suns and moons were born your temple rises, oh Quetzalcoatl where your stone image is venerated. Your tem...
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is the center of the world and the feathered serpent is the spine of the universe.
Many centuries ago, when the Mexica arrived in the Valley of Mexico, they were looking for a place to establish their city. Following the prophecy of their god...
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